TNTell's First Airsoft Gun with Safety Rules and 3 Step Draw

TNTell’s First Airsoft Gun with Safety Rules and 3 Step Draw

My son is asking to do more and more YouTube videos, If he thinks no one is around he will even narrate his own “videos” by acting like he is on camera. He has even talked his momma into taping him while I am work.  I am happy to support him trying to do something productive, and when I can bring gun safety into it its even better.

He has been asking to get his first airsoft gun and I told him that if he shows me he is responsible by helping around the house, learns his 4 fundamental gun safety rules, and can properly execute a three step draw I would let him have his own airsoft gun and the bb’s to go with.

When he said he was ready we taped him giving the rules and the draw.

He’s not perfect, but he is 6 and I am proud of the effort.  A few hours before he “helped” me mow by holding on to the mower and pushing with me.  It was much more effort on my part with the help, but I had to try not to laugh as everytime he pushed he went “vrrrrooom” under his breath.


Kids and Guns

Kids and Guns
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As a firearm instructor, you might not believe how many times I hear from someone that they would like to own a gun, but their spouse will not allow it because they have kids in the house.  On a grand scale, I understand and agree with the REASONING behind this feeling.  It’s a parent’s job to keep their children safe, and no one wants to bring something into the home that is dangerous to their child.

What needs to happen is that people on trained on how to deal with mixing kids and guns.

However, while I agree with wanting to keep children safe from harm, I must disagree with the blanket thought that guns in the home are by themselves inherently dangerous.  With proper education, storage, and supervision, firearms are no more dangerous than any other tool.  I am not in the habit of making broad demands on how others should act.  Generally, I teach options and tell the reasons for using each of those options.  I can tell you how I deal with this issue of guns in my home with my child and hopefully give prospective to other parents who question guns in the home.

When I was growing up, my parents were not anti-gun, but they were anti-me-having-a-gun.  There were guns in my home.  My dad was a law enforcement officer and as such always had at least one handgun in the home.  My father subscribed to the “old school” policy on kids and guns.  Dad said, “Boy, I’ve got a gun in that closet, and if I ever catch you playing with it, you’ll wish you hadn’t”.  Well, being the bright child I was, I figured that meant as long as I applied my gun handling skills I learned on TV to keep me from accidentally firing the gun, and I put it back EXACTLY as I found it, I could pose in the mirror in my gunfighter stance whenever I was alone in the house.  Luckily I never fired the pistol into the mirror or myself.  As I got older, dad did take me out shooting once or twice.  We even went hunting once, but they never let me have my own gun so I always had that curiosity.

I imagine that even if there were no guns in my home and if my parents forbid me to even mention guns, I would find someone to let me see one (It happened just like that with a motorcycle, but since mom still doesn’t know about that, we won’t get into details…).  The above two examples are the first two of the three most common attitudes parents that I have spoke with have toward children and guns.  I subscribe to the third.

In my house we have a smart and independent 7 year old girl.  She thinks for herself and is not afraid to abandon what she has been told, if she thinks she knows better.  What I have to do first is keep her from being able to access the firearms if she chooses to disregard my gun rules, This is not foolproof.  Kids have an uncanny ability to find what they are looking for.  I am sure at some point in her life she will find the gun safe keys.

For the second step, we have taught her the NRA’s Eddie Eagle gun safe rules.  This strategy was to teach the child what to do if they find a gun.  The rules are simple and effective.  Eddie Eagle says if the child sees a gun they should: stop, don’t touch, leave the area, and tell an adult.  These rules are particularly important, as over 50% of American households have firearms.  If she is visiting a friend’s house, we do not want her to try to tell another child not to play with a gun, as that might cause that child to point the gun at our child in order to tease her.  We want her safely away from any unsecured gun, not to act like she is in charge of it.

The last thing we do is take away her curiosity.  My wife and I took her to the range, and she watched her momma shoot a pistol.  I sat with our child and explained to her about guns and answered all her questions.  This did not work too well because even with hearing protection, my child thought the handguns were too loud.  She did not want to be around them.  We then got her a BB rifle.  We let her shoot it when she asks to, but she doesn’t really like it very much.  Furthermore we don’t force her, but she knows if she wants to shoot, she can as long as she asks and her mother or I take her.

This works well for us.  We keep the guns in a locked safe and the ammo locked in a separate room (this does not include our personal carry firearms; they are kept out of reach but not locked up, as they are considered to always be in use.).  We taught our child firearm safety rules, particularly what to do if they encounter a gun outside the home.  Lastly, we took away her curiosity by exposing her to firearms and what they can do and allowing her the privilege to own her very own BB rifle that she can use when supervised.  As she gets older, we plan on increasing her exposure to firearms, but at this point we think she is only ready for the basics.

As the parent, you are the best judge of what your child is ready for.  This is only a guideline for when your child asks about guns for the first time.  For us, it was when my wife told me to look out the window, and our little girl was on the porch with a red rubber training pistol in one hand, a rubber training knife in the other, and yelling “Pay attention!  I am trying to give you a class!” to the family dog.  My wife told me I created a monster.  It was pretty cute though and served to reinforce in my mind the responsibilities I have toward being a positive role model.  If  I am unsafe in my attitude toward guns, I can be sure my kid will take notice.

The Do-it-Yourself Submachine Gun

The Do it Yourself Submachine Gun
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The Do-it-Yourself Submachine Gun shows how to build your own 9mm, blowback, selective-fire submachine gun that’s as powerful as an Uzi or HK MP5 but has fewer parts and is more durable. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions and machinist’s drawings in this book. For academic study only.I am fond of both DIY gunsmithing books and explosive manuals, and as I have long said, I believe that a free state depends on good men having that information to live as a deterrent to invasion and tyranny.  However, as a loyal American citizen that understands the need of the individual to live within the law I do not advocate in actually constructing these tools without the proper permissions.

As long as this country lives under the rule of law, we must also live under the rules no matter how stupid we think the current firearm laws are.

However, if I am ever made an outlaw because of my political, social, or religious views, this would be an example of the books I would need to live as an outlaw….

The information is straightforward, and the product is of good quality.  The Do-it-Yourself Submachine Gun does take some skill and certain tools to construct, but it is not out of the abilities of a good handyman that pays attention to detail.

Clint Smith on Defensive Firearms


Clint Smith on Defensive Firearms
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Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms.  He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.

Since I Graduated high school in 1993 I readily admit that he has probably forgot more about defensive firearms use than I know.  And that’s okay with me as I haven’t stopped learning yet.  This video is a great tool use to learn some great concepts and proper mindset on the proper use of a defensive firearm.

I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches.  When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.

I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos.  Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos.  (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)

Clint Smith is entertaining, but his content is unparalleled.  I love watching him and have used many of his videos to influence my training style.  Its good to be entertained as you are educated.