For under $15.00 the Lee Universal Decapping Die is one of the best pieces of reloading gear you can get, heck it’s a bargain at double the price. I have broken a lot of decapping rods over the years and that ended as soon as I got this piece of equipment. The reason this […]
Month: September 2011
How to Make the Easiest Chicken and Dumplings Using Tortillas
Last week we opened a 2 year old can of chicken the wife and I put buy a couple years ago. We did that to show you that home canning does have its place in long term food storage even though I would not recommend keeping your food for that long. Today I will […]
Eating 2 Year Old Pressure Canned Chicken
All the “reputable” canning guides say that you should only store your home canned items no longer than one year. Personally I don’t want to eat any canned food that has sat in a storage bin for 15 years BUT…. If I had nothing else to eat and the can is in good shape, […]
The Survival Rule of 3 – Become A Smart Prepper
We recently posted an article about the philosophy of “What’s Important Now”. Today’s article will discuss a system of priorities called the The Survival Rule of 3. Basically the Rule of Three is a convenient way to memorize the order of importance of basic necessities. If you really want to get in the weeds you […]
W.I.N. Whats Important Now
Today’s post is about mindset, because I believe mental flexibility and preparedness is more important than equipment or even skill acquisition. If your mind is right you can work on everything else, and it’s the one thing that cannot be taken from you. I use an idea that originated with Notre Dame Football coach Lou […]