First of all, let me just say, I am no expert at casting lead bullets and this article is only a basic guide to get started and to show you that this is do-able for the lay person. Please visit forums like cast boolits and read manuals like Lee’s Modern Reloading, and the Lyman […]
Year: 2011
Emergency Management Principles for Prepping
Just like everybody else, I am unique. In the disaster prepper field I am unique in that I am both a diehard personal prepper and a college trained emergency management professional. I did not become one because of the other; my personal preparedness mindset comes from my parents, as well as my internal system of […]
How to Pull Bullets: The 2 Best Methods
Some Shooters like to reload, so do many preparing for TEOTWAWKI or WROL, it’s also a skill for those like to DIY or roll their own. Many of the types of people that visit my sight reload themselves or are interested in it. Therefore, I am going to start publishing articles on reloading and […]