This prepper precept is common sense. It’s better to be home, rather than be a refugee in a shelter, but if you have to leave, you might not have time to pack a bag – have a Plan A and Plan B, C, and D Plans fail, that is why we have emergencies and […]
Year: 2012
Aggressive Shooting Stance
When teaching firearms I spend the majority of the time teaching fundamentals, it’s not the coolest thing to talk about to work on but it’s the most effective at getting tight groups on target, and that is the coolest thing when it comes to range time. Fundamentals are the basics because they work. Once you […]
Ayoob Judicious Use of Force If you are going to carry a firearm you need to understand the judicious use of force. If this term in new to you please watch the video. This is the topic I teach the most. It is essential to understand reasonableness when discussing the appropriate use of force. According to Wikipedia Massad […]
Why We Shouldn’t always Follow The Rules
As a law abiding citizen I try to follow the rules, even if I don’t agree with them, or if they don’t make sense. However there are occasions when you should not follow the rules and the video should explain why. This is a rant, I named my school the Shepherd School for a purpose, […]
Prepper Precepts #23 Be Balanced in What You Buy for Preparedness
This entry into the prepper precepts list may make some preppers nervous. Buying gold is the “gold standard” of prepping. Be balanced in what you buy. Gold is nice, but it’s used to buy stuff in the event money is worthless. With that in mind, it’s much cheaper to just buy the stuff now. […]