Typical canned food bought in bulk at Aldi or warehouse stores makes up a significant portion of my families food storage plan. It is simple, lasts several years, and fits like a glove in the “store what you eat, eat what you store” philosophy. However as easy as it is to use canned soups as […]
Month: July 2013
How to Make a Improvised Cooking Stand from Shelf Brackets
This is one of those “why didn’t I think of that” posts – I first saw this on Stealth Survival and later on pinterest. By repurposing shelf brackets you can make a really cool improvised cooking stand for any pots that do not have handles to hold over your campfire. Somewhere I acquired a couple […]
PRN Episode #28 FerFal
Today on the Shepherd School Show, David interviews Fernando Aguirre, also known to many preppers as Ferfal. Fernando grew up in Argentina and tells us first-hand what life was like during and after the economic collapse of the 1990′s. Most preppers make educated guesses about what would happen, or what they would do in a […]
Finger Straight and Off Trigger or Shaped as a C?
I am a big believer in keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire your handgun. The traditional way of doing this it to keep your finger straight. That means lain along the frame of the gun above the trigger well. I like this way. However, I was recently shown […]
How to Make Arrow Fletching With Duct Tape
Several years ago I tried out Dave Canterbury’s sling bow. It was fun and I saw that it had potential, Unfortunately, arrows are expensive. The short arrows I bought just did not develop enough energy to be useful. I decided to look into making my own arrows. Arrow-making has obviously been around a long […]