It is pretty easy to make a homemade smoke bomb using potassium nitrate and sugar. The thing is, that this mix can be used to make black powder, smoke, or rocket fuel so be careful and mind your mix. Potassium nitrate can be ordered through online firework supply houses, and pure chemicals are always […]
Month: March 2016
Gates of Fire
Gates of Fire is a national bestseller! At Thermopylae, a rocky mountain pass in northern Greece, the feared and admired Spartan soldiers stood three hundred strong. Theirs was a suicide mission, to hold the pass against the invading millions of the mighty Persian army. Day after bloody day they withstood the terrible onslaught, buying time […]
Recipe: Mason Lid Tart
Getting into canning means you end up with a lot of Mason jar lids, being a DIY orientated person causes me to look for solutions to problems using materials at hand. Now to be honest, making tarts is not a huge life problem for me, but after the tuna can cake I thought I would […]
How to Make Rounds for a Beer Can Mortar
I am showing how I make my beer can mortar rounds because in searching the net I found that no one else had, sure the cool feral cat hunting post shows how to make a mortar, and I did see an image of a tub of projectiles, but no where could I find good […]
How to Use a Magazine Rack for Can Storage
I am quite happy with my cardboard can organizers. They have survived a couple moves and several years of can foods being stored in them. However, they are sized for normal sized cans. I still need something for can drinks, tuna cans, and tomato paste cans. Here is a good tip for those odd sized […]