10 Tips to Survive Heat and Drought

Heat and Drought are killers, and care should be take to protect those that are vulnerable,  This is especially true for the elderly and young children. Here are 10 Tips to Survive Heat and Drought: First, install window air conditioners snugly, and insulate around them for a tighter fit. Next, install temporary reflectors, such as […]

Camping: How to Start a Fire With a Battery

  Being a DIY Prepper involves learning multi-disciplines, and while I believe living off the land in a wilderness setting is a unrealistic TEOTWAWKI plan, I still think everyone should have basic wilderness survival skill.  One outdoor skill everyone should possess is the ability to make fire.  This is one skill that redundancy is especially […]

Why we are losing, and what to do about it…

We are losing – Looking at it rationally I don’t see any other conclusion for why we are losing is that conservative America is losing the big fights. Look at the freedoms of your grandparents, compare that to the rules your parent’s lived by, contrast that to today’s regulations, and then extrapolate out the world […]