What will happen when you are near a water body and would like to catch some fish without having packed any gear? Well, there are many ways to catch fish without having any gear with you. This article will chow how to catch a fish with your hand If you have no gear and […]
Month: April 2017
Jastek Aluminum Multi Charging Cable Review
I have reviewed several of these Jastek Multi Charging cables, at this point I do it just so I can get another set. I love them. I have one next to the be, in the laptop bag, in the truck, and at work. The Aluminum Multi Charging Cable shown here, is my favorite. The aluminum […]
Renaissance Republican
I am a Renaissance Republican, another one of the silent majority of Americans who are too busy working on taking care of myself and fulfilling my own responsibilities to do much beyond vote and watch in disgust at modern politics. But it has gotten to the point where I am tired of watching the contract […]
Are Revolvers Good Survival Guns
The old adage that says: the best gun is the one you’ve got, applies to not only everyday carry, but also to survival in general. Of course, it’s always better to have a gun chambered in a readily available caliber, should the S ever HTF. But again, whatever you’ve got and have ammunition for is […]
Should You Shoot to Wound?
Should you shoot to wound? I talk a lot about lethal force, and one concept comes up almost universally. I call this idea the leg shot syndrome. The leg shot syndrome is expressed by the statement “I wouldn’t aim to kill; I would shoot the robber in the leg”. I believe I know where […]