You have to practice your plan, thinking is not the same as talking, and talking is not the same as doing.
Practice helps you find gaps, practice makes perfect, practice is much better than talking and never doing. In this world actions are much more powerful than words. Don’t talk about your plans for preparedness talk about what you did. Get out and get it done.
This prepper precept has payback. I promise you that the more you do the better you will become at doing. Be a doer and not a talker – your life will be richer and so will your wallet.
Rules of Civility: The 110 Precepts that Guided Our First President in War and Peace
These precepts are my creed, and having prepper precepts guides me when I face tough choices. A wise man once told me that when facing a moral problem, the right choice is usually the action you don’t want to take.
I am not a pollyanna person that is wishy washy or blindly follows rules, heck I have a little rebellious streak and love to know the WHY of rules, but I do respect and understand the need for law and know how vital it is for a society to have a moral code.
By knowing what I believe in you can know how I will act. This is very important in times of stress. If you don’t want to read east prepper precept individually, the completed list can be found here: Completed 27 Prepper Precepts.