Preppers Need to Have Backups: 2 is 1, 1 is None


27 Prepper Precepts #20
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Have a backup. Things break. They normally break when you really need them and the store is closed. The more redundant the system the better insulated you are.

This happens all the time.  My homestead is over a hour from my house, and my house is an hour away from the city – so when I need a specialty item it takes 5 hours or more round trip, and a simple bolt or other common item takes more than 2 hours to get a replacement.

I bought a service truck just so I would stop discovering the one tool I needed was left at the house.  I find that I still forget tools.  Just because you make a rule or prepper precept you don’t always follow it.

This rule of always have a backup leads directly to the next rule because it does not always work.

Rules of Civility: The 110 Precepts that Guided Our First President in War and Peace

These precepts are my creed, and having a prepper precept list guides me when I face tough choices.  A wise man once told me that when facing a moral problem, the right choice is usually the action you don’t want to take.

I am not a pollyanna person that is wishy washy or blindly follows rules, heck I have a little rebellious streak and love to know the WHY of rules, but I do respect and understand the need for law and know how vital it is for a society to have a moral code.

By knowing what I believe in you can know how I will act. This is very important in times of stress.  If you don’t want to read these precepts one by one, the completed list can be found here: Completed 27 Prepper Precepts.