Maintaining the right environment and living conditions is essential to keep livestock safe and increase their life expectancy. Farm animals require special attention to determine if their living conditions are optimal for good development.
These five noticeable signs of good health in farm animals will help you determine if your livestock is healthy. It’s important to keep all animals in good health because when one animal gets a disease, it could infect the others because they all interact.
Socially Active
Farm animals are usually socially active because they live in herds, where they look out for each other and communicate. When one animal stays apart, it’s a sign that something might be wrong with its health. Most animals like the company of others from their species, which is a good sign of healthy development.
Moist Noses
The sense of smell in most animals is much more developed than in humans, and you can often tell a healthy animal from a sick one by its nose. A moist nose tells you the animal is in good shape. A dry nose or a discharging one is a sign of sickness, so you must always pay special attention to these signs.
Consistent Weight
Food is one of the main resources that keep animals healthy and with positive development. It is not simple to keep track of which animals are eating less when all of them gather at the same time around the piles of food. Weighing your animals once a month will tell you if there are any substantial changes to their weight, which is why you should own a livestock scale.
No Visible Wounds
Farm animals living in open spaces run the risk of injuring themselves with elements like wood, rocks, or farming equipment. Checking for visible wounds and blood is a quick and effective way to learn if something is wrong. If the animals can walk properly and don’t have any confusion or blood stains, they are likely in good health.
Physical Activity
One of the clearest signs of good health in farm animals is constant physical activity and movement. An animal might be inactive for various reasons, from injury to disease, and paying attention to these signs is essential. Physical activity for farm animals includes walking, eating normally, and staying alert with tail wagging and ear movements.