Ammo Up
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I got the chance to review the new Ammo Up machine, and since I hate picking up brass I jumped on the chance.

This device is similar in desired use as the brass wizard I have had for years, but the operation is completely different.

In this machine, you simply press the ammo-up over the spent ammunition casing, lodging it in the plastic bristles and then pick the case up.

What sets this machine apart is how much easier it is to release the brass than it is with the brass wizard.  The ammo up has a pull lever that drops the spent casings out.  I love that.

I find that like brass wizard this thing works well, but how well depends on the type of terrain the rounds fall in.

This worked best on the cement slab of a covered range, and worst in the gravel.

To me the ammo up worked better than the brass wizard on grass, but others have said the opposite.

Nether device works well on gravel.

What works best for me is having students police up the brass at the range, but when I am shooting solo I find that I like this device infinately more than bending down to pick up my own spent shell casings.