AR 15 Forward Assist Install
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Installing an AR-15 Forward Assist into a Stripped Upper is pretty simple.  You don’t need much more than the parts a small punch and a hammer.  A file makes it easier, but it is not strictly necessary.

One thing to look out for when installing the forward assist is that it only works one way.  You must ensure the assist is orientated so that the tooth on the assist fits into the notches in the Bolt carrier so it will ratchet it closed when depressed.

AR-15 Forward Assist Parts:

  • Stripped AR-15 Upper
  • Forward Assist
  • Forward Assist Spring
  • Roll pin

I start the roll pin, but I don’t put it in deep enough to pass into the tube the assist rides in.  Running a file to dress the roll pin makes it easier to start.  If you have a roll pin holder you don’t need to do this.

Next I put the spring on the forward assist and drop the forward assist and spring in so that the cut out is orientated to catch on the roll pin.

Finish tapping in the roll pin and to make it catch the roll pin so it is not able to back out.

Finally, insert the Bolt carrier and latch and test your install by checking to see if the forward assist pushes the BCG forward.
