Preparing for winter weather involves more than just buying salt and hot chocolate. Stock up on non-perishables, like canned goods, and make sure you have adequate medical supplies and prescriptions. I have worked winter storms that have wrecked havoc on the unprepared – cold weather can kill – and it can cause accidents that kill […]
How to Build a Homemade Kydex Press
Being a carry permit holder I have a thing for gun holsters, being a big guy, I spend a lot of time baking sure that my holsters are comfortable and work well with the clothing I wear. Something I have noticed “gun guys” is that we all have a box of old holsters. The […]
Shooting Aftermath Article on
I have a new article on Guns dot com concerning the aftermath of a shooting, its the premier of my new shooting acronym ReCASA (for I want to get back to the house….) I have enjoyed writing this article on guns for Additionally, I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on what do […]