Homemade Cream of Wheat

How to Make Homemade Cream of Wheat

Like all good preppers, I have a substantial store of wheat berries dutifully packed away in Mylar bags and nitrogen packed buckets. However, its a lot easier to buy and pack wheat than it is to cook with it. Because of this I have been purchasing wheat cookbooks and messing around trying to find recipes that work well with my lifestyle. On of the very first workable recipes I found was homemade cream of wheat.

Weaving a Handle for a Messenger Bag Using the Portuguese Sinnet

How to Weave a Handle Using the Portuguese Sinnet

Being an EDC (everyday carry) kind of guy, especially one that’s a fan of MacGyver and 24, it should be no surprise that I normally carry a messenger bag. I know its not the coolest thing in the world for a guy to carry a purse, even if it has such nifty names as Jack Pack or Bauer Bag. My lovely bride calls it my murse a lovely portmanteau of Man-Purse.

Modification of the Cold Steel Bird and Trout Neck Knife

Modification of the Cold Steel Bird and Trout Neck Knife

Recently while working outside I misplaced my CKRT Neck Peck neck knife. This was a huge loss for me as I really like having a neck knife, its easy to carry, and always there. I do know that there is a lot of tactical questions about a neck knife, especially from a ground fighting perspective, but as a middle aged fat guy that works from a desk, I doubt I will be ground fighting near as much as I will be cutting open amazon.com packages….