Kitchen DIY:Best Way to Reheat Pizza
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First of all, I must admit, I rarely have a need to reheat pizza.

I normally just eat it straight out of the refrigerator. If you have a little time and want to reheat your pizza without turning it all soggy and rubbery in a microwave here is a tip.

Get out your sandwich maker/foreman grill/waffle iron and heat it up. Once heated double up your pizza like a sandwich and reheat it.

The cheese melts and the crusts heats without turning soggy. Consequently, It turns ordinary cold pizza into a pannini like sandwich.

It is good without being gourmet. I find this a great way to reheat pizza.

Being an honest guy, I will admit that I only do this occasionally. Almost every time I do dig out the foreman grill and double up my pizza to reheat it I slather it with mayonnaise and extra cheese. Because of this, I have to wait until my wife is not around. Because she will give me that wife look that says volumes about my eating habits. Its amazing how this works without he saying a word.

I guess if I just stuck to heating the pizza up as it comes out of the box it would be okay with her. Seems like a smart guy would know that.

In conclusion, this tip works well, but don’t go overboard.
