Just by going to websites like this, you are way ahead of the general populace. If you go ahead and actually prepare you are light-years ahead of most. If we have a large scale disaster, you may be in a position to trade some of your goods (and services) for items you may need. What I would like to do is give you a list of great books on bartering.
While you won’t get really good at bartering without practice, good reference books on bartering can definitely help you. I personally stay with what I know and would try to stay away from jewelry and stick to guns – in a grid down or in a time of hyper-inflation, I may not have a choice but to barter with or for jewelry and other things. In that case I would hope to have some updated references to use.
- 2010 Standard Catalog of World Coins 2001-Date
- Antique Trader Antiques & Collectibles 2010 Price Guide (Antique Trader Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide)
- Blue Book of Gun Values
- Flayderman’s Guide to Antique American Firearms and Their Values
- Jewelry & Gems, The Buying Guide: How to Buy Diamonds, Pearls, Colored Gemstones, Gold & Jewelry With Confidence and Knowledge (Jewelry and Gems the Buying Guide)
- The Official Red Book: A Guide Book of United States Coins 2009
- Wristwatch Annual 2009: The Catalog of Producers, Prices, Models, and Specifications