Last week we opened a 2 year old can of chicken the wife and I put buy a couple years ago. We did that to show you that home canning does have its place in long term food storage even though I would not recommend keeping your food for that long. Today I will […]
Category: Cooking & Food Storage
Various articles on food storage, food preparedness, cooking, and general kitchen stuff
Eating 2 Year Old Pressure Canned Chicken
All the “reputable” canning guides say that you should only store your home canned items no longer than one year. Personally I don’t want to eat any canned food that has sat in a storage bin for 15 years BUT…. If I had nothing else to eat and the can is in good shape, […]
DIY Solar Cooker
From doing research into solar applications I have come to the personal conclusion that solar energy is misapplied in many instances. Our sun is an awesome source of energy, but all too often we use it to create electricity we store to make heat or light later. While this has some really useful applications, […]