Installing a YHM Spectre Two Piece AR-15 Gas Block

  Two part gas blocks are not needed in the majority of instances, they are more complicated and a little more expensive than the standard gas blocks. However, sometimes they serve a purpose.  Today I need to install a YHM Spectre Two Piece AR-15 Gas Block because I plan on permanently attaching a large flash […]

How to Install Elfman Tactical Anti-Rotation Pins in an AR-15 Lower

How to Install Elfman Tactical Anti-Rotation Pins in an AR-15 Lower

  Anti-Rotation Pins are normally not a necessary modification to an AR-15 lower, but their are some exceptions.  What the pins do is prevent the hammer and trigger pins in the AR-15 (or M-16) from rotating.  A steel pin in an aluminum receiver can rotate and elongate the holes.  This causes malfunctions and the destruction […]