This entry into the prepper precepts list may make some preppers nervous. Buying gold is the “gold standard” of prepping. Be balanced in what you buy. Gold is nice, but it’s used to buy stuff in the event money is worthless. With that in mind, it’s much cheaper to just buy the stuff now. […]
Category: Information
Prepper Precepts #22 Common Sense Cannot Be Legislated
This prepper precept is one I teach often when discussing why laws are written they way they are. Common sense cannot be legislated. Laws are made in a vacuum by people that don’t always fully understand the problems. I don’t go looking to laws to see if I CAN do something. My right to […]
Prepper Precepts #21 Cheap Things are Cheap for a Reason
Cheap is cheap for a reason. I cannot always afford to buy the best, but neither can I afford to keep replacing the cheapest junk every time it breaks. There is a difference in a 40 and a 400 dollar grain mill. This prepper precept is one I still struggle with. I believe it […]
Prepper Precepts #20 Preppers Need to Have Backups: 2 is 1, 1 is None
Have a backup. Things break. They normally break when you really need them and the store is closed. The more redundant the system the better insulated you are. This happens all the time. My homestead is over a hour from my house, and my house is an hour away from the city – so […]
What is the Difference Between Gunsmith and Regular Screwdrivers?
A sign of a poor gunsmith is using normal screwdrivers on a gun. However not all individuals that like guns know the difference between a normal and gunsmith screwdriver. This post will fix that. I am a kitchen table gunsmith myself, and before I learned about using hollow ground screwdrivers on my firearms I […]