First of all, before I show you how to make portable PVC fishing gear I want to rant about prepper plans that are not as smart as many think. Generally speaking, I think that for the VAST majority of preppers, having a “mountain man plan” of bugging out to the wilderness and living off the […]
Category: Outdoor Life
Knots: Taut Line Hitch
Today’s knot is the Taut Line Hitch. Since it can be slipped to tighten or loosen a line, and it also holds well under load, it is a great not for camping. This makes it useful for lines that may need adjustment. I learned it in the boy scouts and use it to tie tent […]
How to make Popcorn Over a Campfire
I make sure to buy my popcorn in 25 or 50 gallon bulk bags at the local warehouse store because it is cheap, easy, fun, and if push comes to shove can be ground into some resemblance of cornmeal. Most folks think microwave when they hear the word popcorn, but their are sorts of […]
How to Carry Duct Tape While Backpacking
A common trick among backpackers is to wrap some duct tape around their water bottle or lighter so that they always have a couple feet readily available for quick repairs. This is an easy duct tape tip that ensures you always have some tape on hand. I find that having some duct tape with […]
How to Extract Clean, Drinkable Water From Plant Leaves
As a child I used to read about solar stills made by digging a hole in the desert and covering it with clear plastic, I was an adult by the time I actually visited a desert environment, but I was very disappointed with the results. However, by placing a plastic bag over the leaves […]