Gear Review: Stainless Steel Chainmail Scrubber
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As you know I cook with cast iron quite a bit – daily actually.  However, as much as I love my dutch oven and cast iron skillets, I HATE cleaning them.  So when I saw a program to review a chainmail scrubber designed to clean cast iron skillets without removing the seasoning I had to apply.

Don’t think that because this is a sponsored post that I won’t give an honest review.  A free $20.00 scrubber, no matter how cool, is not worth my integrity.

Luckily, this thing actually works pretty good, and I find that it actually is something I can use.  Being stainless steel I can use it scrub my pans and then toss it in the dishwasher (I did have to think for a minute how to lay it in my washer so that it would bother spread out to wash and not fall into the bottom of the machine).

I don’t use the scrapers

I have not really used the scrapers, but they are a plastic that is very similar to those plastic “CIA letter openers” – AKA plastic knives.  They seem sturdy, and to be honest, I probably will throw the flatter one in the glove box of my truck to use as an icescraper.

What I think is really cool, is the silicon mitt for the handles of my skillet.  I can’t tell you how many times I have burned myself when the towel I was using bunched up and let me touch the hot handle.  The silicon looks much nicer, is removable, but still classes up my kitchen.

I feel that this product is worth the $20.00 it retails for, and if something ever happened to the one I have now, I will either buy another or use it as an excuse to learn to make chain-mail (something I have wanted to do for a while, but always felt it to be too time consuming to be practical).

*Its January of 2018 and I am still using this almost everyday on my iron skillet, this thing rides in the dischwasher fine and still works great.  So far its the most used thing I have reviewed and it is still awesome.


It is now October of 2018 and I use this scrubber nearly every day.  My wife keeps it in the dishwasher because we use it so much.  It has no signs of wear, and works as great today as when we first bought it.