Now that I have some homemade yarn I need to do something with it. I cannot knit. However, I have made a loom before, but it was small and not very useful.
Today’s post is a much larger DIY frame loom. I enjoy using a drop spindle. Spinning is something I do that relaxes me, but unlike the loom, it does require me to pay attention.
Making a loom does not have to be expensive. A few years ago I reviewed a PVC loom how to manual that I thought was brilliant, but I never quite got around to making one.
This is a simple loom that can be made for under $20 and is a great way to see if you enjoy textile arts.
I used a simple set of canvas stretcher bars that I made into a frame, then marked and drilled small holes one centimeter apart in a line at the top and the bottom of the frame.
Next I tied string from the bottom nail to its partner at the top of the frame.
I should have probably tied each pair of nails together individually, but I took the easy route and ran a single strand up over and down going back and forth over each nail head.
Once the loom was strung, I simply took me yard and wove it between my strings, alternating up and down.
The video is pretty simple, and I am probably doing everything wrong, but in the end, I had a pretty cool start to a wool “rug”.