Gear Review: Clear Backpack
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Now that I went back to work as an instructor at a local prison I needed a clear backpack to carry all my issued tools through the secure checkpoint.  While most of you don’t have this problem, I understand that many schools are now requiring clear backpacks to prevent weapons and contraband from entering our schools.

I figure if this bag is strong enough for adult use riding on conveyer belts, going through x-ray machines, having officers dig through it, and my clumsy self carrying it, it has to be strong.

I find this backpack is of good quality, and pretty sturdy.  It is a little hard to fully open because it is stiff, but I like the stiffness because it gives strength.

The sellers of this bag gave me one to review, which is nice because I was looking for one to use.  However, my opinions are my own.


After carrying through a month of cadet training, I am still pleased with the clear bag.  It has no signs of wear and is still working well.  I still get frustrated with the stiffness of the bag.  But this probably contributes to the strength.  It is slightly tight fit for my laptop, so I went back to my laptop bag, my kid now as a clear backpack and it makes mornings easier as we can tell when he is trying to sneak a bunch of toys to school
