I am a big believer in keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire your handgun. The traditional way of doing this it to keep your finger straight. That means lain along the frame of the gun above the trigger well.
I like this way. However, I was recently shown another technique. Personally I am still evaluating it. But the idea makes sense so I wanted to share it with you. Feel free to play with it to see if you think it is worthwhile.
Instead of having your finger straight you can make your trigger finger in the C position. Just put the tip along the grip just behind the trigger well.
Then as you decide to shoot you can press your finger forward and come up behind the trigger and wrap around to achieve proper trigger placement.
Fundamentals Don’t Change Without Reason
Now when it comes to firearms training, I believe in practicing the fundamentals and not getting caught up with new techniques simply because they are novel. However, if there is an articulable problem than a new technique solves, then I am willing to adapt and learn new skills. So when I was introduced to this I asked “What problem does this solve?”. I was told that in a retention fight, your finger could be trapped along the slide if your attacker was able to grasp the slide.
I think that is a bit of a stretch, even if it is possible.
However, when it comes to safety there may be some merit. One problem I see with the straight finger technique comes from sloppy application or incomplete instruction. If the finger is held straight, but low so that it rests on the trigger guard instead of the frame, the finger can contract and slap the trigger.
May Help Prevent Negligent Discharge
When the finger is held in the “C” position, any of the big three causes of negligent discharge (stumble, startle, sympathetic grip) are much harder because the as the finger tightens there is no way it can hook on the trigger.
This makes the “C” position something to think about. I haven’t come to a full conclusion for myself yet. So I don’t teach it other than use it as a discussion topic in instructor level courses, but it may work for you.
As always, I welcome your comments.