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Basic Survival – A beginner’s guide is my first hardback book, It is larger than all my other titles, and the pictures make me feel like its a coffee table book, but when I wrote it I included all the basics I learned starting out as a prepper.

Don’t let the name fool you, this is not a wilderness survival handbook – it is a surviving emergencies handbook.  I believe in an all hazards approach to survival.  If you knew what kind of disaster would kill you a smart thing to do would just be to avoid that type of disaster.  Since no one knows what might happen to them, a smart person prepares to deal with all kinds of issues.

I take academic theory learned during my education as an Emergency Management Planner and add common sense skills learned by life as a prepper to bring you this book.

In my emergency management career, I have a lot of experience dealing with disasters of all kinds, I have worked in shelters and know what goes on behind the scenes.  That experience causes me to try to keep my family out of emergency shelters.

It makes me especially proud as James Wesley Rawles of SurvivalBlog wrote the introduction.  His site remains one of my favorite resources, and I have long been a reader of his blog and learn learn something new almost weekly.

I updated the David’s Books Page so check that page out as well.