Kid Ear Muffs
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As a father and a firearm instructor, I have been on the lookout for good quality hearing protection for my son. Kid Ear Muffs are not something I am willing to compromise with.

My bot is 4 and while I don’t think he is ready to shoot a “real gun”, I have more than one sitting in the closet that were bought for the sole purpose of teaching him to shoot.

At this point, he has a Red Ryder BB gun, but he doesn’t own any BB’s.  I want him to learn a little more first.

Back to the ear muffs.  These muffs are high quality and of a common design.  They are good looking and comfortable.  I was surprised at how well they fit the boy (he’s 4) as well as expand to fit me.

I think having individual hearing protection for each member of your family is vital to hearing safety.
I did not have an emphasis on kid ear muffs growing up, and I never really bothered with hearing protection as a young adult. I am paying for that now, as I have hearing issues and I do not want my son to have to suffer based upon such a preventable issue.

I did recieve this item for reduced price so that I could provide an honest review.
