Growing up in a society of chicken nuggets and other convenience food, my wife really likes “poppers” and “bites” little hand foods that are easy to eat and very tasty.
Genny spends a lot of time searching for healthy recipes and these broccoli bites are one winner at my house. They are easy to make, are healthy, and pretty tasty – especially when dipped in sauce.
I am pretty pleased at her results in her journey to get healthy, and since the running total now (not when this video was created is 90 pounds lost) I am very happy with the work she is putting in.
What I really like though is shooting videos with her. I find I like being behind the camera producing great video more than I enjoy being in front of the camera making ok videos…
There have been some negative comments on her videos, which gets my wife discouraged, she isn’t as dedicated to video as I am, so those trolls really get to her. Please take some time to watch the video and tell her what a great job she is doing.
She has lost over 100 pounds since she started her journey. Give her a hand.