How To Maintain Your Drip Irrigation System

Drip irrigation systems are critical for maintaining crops with a consistent supply of fresh water. Their convenience and money-saving qualities make them unbeatable, which is why their popularity is on the rise. However, not everyone knows what it takes to maintain them and keep them running smoothly. Here are some tips on how to maintain your drip irrigation system to give you peace of mind.

Clog Inspection

Before performing any kind of inspection, you need to know the signs of a faulty irrigation system to know what to look for. Emitters can clog up incredibly quickly and build up with harmful bacteria, throwing off the pH of your water and your plants. This bacteria and slime buildup is further irritated by the mineral precipitation of fertilizer and hard water.

While they will keep dripping, you need to check your emitters for buildup regularly, as they won’t evenly distribute nutrients into the soil.

Visual and Manual Inspection

The first part of the inspection should include checking your water pressure. It should be performing anywhere from 20 to 50 psi, depending on the specifications of your specific system. This will be the first indication that something is out of order.

Next, check for pipes that feel cracked or worn. These areas may also contain large wet spots, which is the top indicator that your system is putting out way too much water. This may be a faulty tube or emitter. But if you’ve already checked your emitters, it’s likely a leaky tube.

Line Flush and Decontamination Cleaner

When it comes to maintaining your irrigation system, there are two processes you should go through. The first is flushing your irrigation system three to four times a season. This prevents clogging, buildup, and precipitations of minerals and chemicals from leaking into the soil.

The second step is to perform a drip cleaner to decontaminate the pipes completely. While flushing will get most of the dirt and chemicals out, a drip cleaner will suck out the rest of the harmful particles stuck in your pipes. This two-step process will ensure that your water is clean and ready to water your crops.

Knowing how to maintain your drip irrigation system is half the battle. Performing consistent maintenance is the other half. So go out to your field and start an inspection; it’s as easy as taking a look!