Book Review: It's in the Bag a New Approach to Food Storage
Book Review: It's in the Bag a New Approach to Food Storage
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Bag meals Delicious entrées in 20 minutes or less Will save you time and money Will save you storage space Will provide you with the best way to baby step your way to building food storage How can bag meals do all that? Because with bag meals, you are storing what you eat and eating what you store!

It s Sunday and you need ricotta for the lasagna. What are you going to do? Turn to page 186 and make some! You come home from your children s soccer game and everybody is starving. You make a chef salad and there s no salad dressing in the fridge. What are you going to do? Turn to page 233 and make some! A hard freeze in California has wiped out the nations lettuce crop. Lettuce is over $5.00 a head! What are you going to do? Learn how to sprout by turning to page 237.

Food Storage It’s in the Bag is a new approach to food storage, and contains other cool stuff your Mamma never taught you will provide you with simple easy to follow recipes and self reliance instruction skills that will assist you in obtaining greater peace of mind today and in the future!

There is a lot to learn in It’s in the Bag a New Approach to Food Storage, and I recommend it.  Its not best as a primary resource book.  But it does have a lot of really cool ideas.  I recommend it.