Gear Review: Keysmart
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I have been watching the keysmart system for a few months, having on my list of things to buy, but never actually spending the money.  When I was contacted and offered the chance to review this device I jumped on it.

It is amazingly simple, but done with style.  It turns bulky keys into a sleek jackknife.

It holds both keys and tools, and I recently noticed that it also can carry a 64 gig flash drive.

Putting it together is also simple, simply add the keys over the posts, use the included spacers if you have an odd number of keys, and then sandwich the top plat and screw it together.

I like this device a lot, and when I saw that they have an adapter to attach thumb drives I had to try that out.  I was shocked at the price though and had to find a cheaper DIY solution to set up a thumb drive on my Key-smart Key chain.

I also found a cheaper alternative that uses a leather band.  I carry my keys on that now as it is a little simpler to use – if not as modern and sleek looking.

Either way, the key holders that reduce the imprint of my keys are things I like to have around.  Both types are worth the money.
