Book Review: Living Well on Practically Nothing
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I have mixed feeling about the book Living Well on Practically Nothing.

I did get my money’s worth in ideas, but a lot of this was rehash of things I have seen before. I really expected a lot out of this book, so it may have been my expectations where too high, but I felt it could have been a little shorter and left out some of the “fluff”.

Some of the “disaster proof” jobs are things a lot of us do now to earn spare money.

I did learn some things, but most of it was good common sense, if you are familiar with using your hands, solving problems, and “thinking outside the box” when necessary, then you may not find this book useful. But if your new to disaster preparedness, and are uncomfortable doing things yourself, then this book will probably open your eyes to other ways of doing things.

I would not hesitate to do many/most of the things suggested in this book in the applicable situations, but my wife would probably rather die than eat in some of the ways suggested.

I find the book useful to start the conversation, and get her to realize there are other alternatives, and to help me realize, that not everyone shares my lack of food inhibition.
