Lockpickworld Beginners Box


beginner lockpick kit
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I have bought several beginner lockpick kit sets before, but I did not get half the stuff for the price of this Lockpickworld Beginners Box.  What I did get typically, was not as high quality either.

I questioned the “spy card” and it seemed a little “tacti-cool” and gimmicky, but in reality, the picks in that kit tend to be my go to set. It is small, light, and easy to carry.

The practice lock alone runs half the cost of this kit. I can’t speak enough about how pleased I am with it.

More surprising was that my subject matter expert friend, who has kits costing hundred more than than mine was similarly impressed.

I use this kit in several other articles, like the one on how lockpicks work.  The practice lock is a really great addition to the kit.  It really helps visualize what is going on.

It also keeps the 6 year old’s attention when I try to show him how to do it.

This kit comes with:

  • A full 15 piece Lock Pick Set with lock picks, tension tools and extractor
  • A Secret Agent / Spy Concealed Credit Card Pick Set
  • A fully-working, easy practice padlock with a see-through mechanism with keys
  • A double-sided, see-through practice training lock with keys
  • Our 43-page eBook with colour photos for Single Pin Picking