Speedy Jig
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This is an introductory video for some jigs from Speedy Jig. The jigs are high quality steel and powder-coated to last.

I was extremely pleased when they asked me to review these devices as I was planning on making my own bracelet jig, but I did not want to mess around with wood designs.

I would just make a video showing how to use these two awesome jigs.

However, my my son made me promise to wait for him so he could make a sling for his toy gun.

I below is a video showing how to make a paracord bracelet later and use the jig to make a monkey fist pretty soon also.

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These kits are complete.  Additionally, they include enough materials to make a couple different projects. I love how the jigs are designed to last and how easy they are to use.

Both kits are adjustable and can make large or small projects.

I can’t wait to make a monkey fist large enough to launch out of my black powder cannon.

With this kit you can easily make small key chain monkey-fists up to using a billiard ball as a center.

You should really look into these affordable jigs.


How to Make a Paracord Bracelet with the Speedy Jig



how to make a paracord bracelet with the speedy jig
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This speedy jig is just the thing for tying paracord bracelets. I find it is an easy and stress free activity that you can not only do with your kids, but you can make useful things.

Features of the Speedy Jig

  • Made from Powder Coated Steel – Not Soft Wood – Wide base Won’t Tip Over While You Are Weaving
  • Change Buckle Styles and Sizes Without Tools – Just Slip Any Size or Style Buckle over the Tabs and Start Weaving
  • Versatile Design – Make Bracelets, Lanyards, Keychains and Other Items Using Rings, Carabiners, and Closures
  • Completely Assembled and Ready to Use Parcord Bracelet Kit – Includes Paracord, Buckles and Full Color Instructions
  • Made in the USA – 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed – Lifetime Warranty

I have made this type of knot without the jig, as well as experimented with making my own jig, but this is by far the easiest method I have found. Add to it that the jig is very high quality, comes with very clear pictorial instructions, and has enough materials to make several bracelets for a very reasonable price and the speedy jig is a great tool to have in your home.

My son loves his red bracelet – he had to wear it to school for show and tell. He now wants to make more.  More importantly than his liking his bracelet he liked making a paracord bracelet.  We did it together, we played and goofed around, and made something useful and functional.

We could have done this without a jig, or we could have made our own jig.  But balance the cost and the ease of use, and this jig really was worth it.


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