Musicians From Mars is part of the famous “Blood and Guts” speech General Patton to his men in 1941
General George S. Patton, Jr., 8 July 1941, address to the men of the 2nd Armored Division, The Patton Papers, Vol. II, 1974 |
What this means is to be balances and synchronized. To do what is needed when it is needed and not to spend too much resources on any single thing – unless it is time for that thing.
My old boss loved talking about the battle rythmn while working disasters. Meaning when we do what to get the emergency stabilized.
He got a twinkle in his eye when I mentioned this speech. Old LPF was a great leader, he said a bunch of wild stuff and made you think. He gave hints and guidance and was able to let you figure it out on your own.
I think he also once heard about Patton’s preference for course speech. But Patton did not curse for cursing sake, like everything he had a reason.
When I want my men to remember something important, to really make it stick, I give it to them double dirty. It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an afternoon tea party, but it helps my soldiers to remember. You can’t run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn’t fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag. … As for the types of comments I make, sometimes I just, By God, get carried away with my own eloquence.