I was down at Fort Benning for a pistol competition a few years ago, and while in one of the stores in Columbus I found this little Police Combatives book.
There really is not a lot to this book (other than the content) – its basically chapters organized around particular law enforcement use of force issues like ground fighting, or hand cuffing.
Each chapter has multiple paragraphs dealing with lessons learned on the street.
This isn’t really a books your going to sit down and read, but I gleaned a lot of good information thumbing through it.
Its not really full of things a veteran cop shouldn’t ready know, but it does a good job of articulating concepts – which is useful if your trying to teach.
Police Combatives reads like the author sat down and vomited his entire lifetime of experience with police use of force – it ain’t pretty but there is a LOT there.
I found some good information that I did not know before I bought the book, which is the main way I judge books. If I learned something I needed from a book, then I think it is a good book. This is a great book.