Many preppers focus on old skills like bushcraft and homesteading, but don’t forget to realize that we also live in a technology filled world. Having the ability to code can come in handy.
Python (from monty python) is a first programming language for many. It is easy to learn, easy to read, and there is a lot of libraries of code snippets so you can plug and play bits of code to make larger programs fast.
Python is used with arduino’s to make electronic devices, can make phone aps, runs many websites, and even NASA uses it in their scientific probes and computer programs.
If you have knowledge of Python and a base skill in electronics and mechanics you can take a laptop and plug into into a dead tractor and make it run. You can hack in every sense and really get things done.
Now, I am trying to learn Python myself, and I chose to use the ebook “Python: A Beginners’ Guide to Python Programming to automate the boring tasks and learn coding fast (Machine Learning techniques for database programming and computer languages”. It is $5.oo on kindles and pretty easy to use. It is a step by step guide for computers using windows, linus, and OS as well as some other operating systems. It tells you how to find free Python editors, and walks you through the learning steps.
Its a great buy, and I recommend it.