In this episode David discusses what you can do in a small piece of land. Its much better to start where you are then wait for the perfect situation.
Next David walks through the steps to making Mozzarella cheese. This simple 30 minute recipe is one of his first projects, and it gave him the confidence to tackle much larger tasks.
Lastly, Dave shares his personal precepts for preparedness – 27 simple guidelines that helps David stay on the right track when it comes to living a self reliant lifestyle.
What is important is that you don’t wait for perfect opportunities, but rather get off your tail and do things to improve your situation. Anyone can do better with what they have because anyone can work harder.
It is not always easy or fun, but prepping can be done by everyone and in any situation. Don’t be limited by your situation. Use your imagination and exercise your self discipline.
Preparedness is about discipline. Doing the stuff today so you can be safer later.
The show is scheduled for Monday at 10pm central time at this link.
If you cannot listen on Monday, you can always download the podcast for listening at your own leisure.