PRN Episode #28 FerFal
PRN Episode #28 FerFal
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Today on the Shepherd School Show, David interviews Fernando Aguirre, also known to many preppers as Ferfal.

Fernando grew up in Argentina and tells us first-hand what life was like during and after the economic collapse of the 1990′s.

Most preppers make educated guesses about what would happen, or what they would do in a catastrophic disaster.

Ferfal has lived through it.  In today’s interview he and David talk about what happened, common survival strategies that people used, the economics of surviving disasters, the government and how it reacts, as well as many other topics.

Fernado also gives some good tips on what he found to work in real life.  I think this is pretty important and this is one of my favorite episodes of all.  I think every prepper should read his book.

At the very least, visit his website to see what a real economic disaster looks like.

What happened in Argentina can happen here in the United States. It pays to learn how modern people survived such a collapse


If you cannot listen on Monday, you can always download the podcast for listening at your own leisure at this link.


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