PRN Episode #30 Interview Diane Teagarden
PRN Episode #30 Interview Diane Teagarden
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Diane Teagarden is an author and soon after completing her first book, she opened her own self-help book publishing company. She named it “Firewalker Publications” to remind herself of how she had “come through the fire” by facing her worst fears.

She has several books dealing with divorce, domestic abuse, and fiction, but today David talks with her about her latest book, Budgeting on a Dime- 10 Steps to Financial Independence.

Diane Teagarden gives good advice on budgeting without feeling poor, on saving money, and making lifestyle changes to get control of family finances.

*In doing a broken link check I found that firewalker publications is no longer a valid website.  I hope Diane Teagarden is still active in the publishing word because I really enjoyed her book and felt it was useful to all. It seems that a lot of self reliant advocacy buisnesses are failing lately. I hope that is not a trend.

This book is about personal responsibility, and has a lot in common with basic preparedness concepts.
You can learn more about her books at firewalker publications
The show is scheduled for Monday at 10pm central time at this link.
If you cannot listen on Monday, you can always download the podcast for listening at your own leisure.