52 Prepper’s Projects for Parents and Kids

52 Prepper’s Projects for Parents and Kids involves weekly projects, however, it is designed to be done with children to teach them how to work with their hands and brains as well as develop self-reliance.  One thing different in this book that the previous work 52 Prepper Projects, is that at the end of each project talking points are given to teach why the project was chosen.  Becoming self-reliant is not easy, nor is it an easy skill to teach to you children, however, the rewards are priceless.

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52 Prepper Projects for Parents and Kids52 Prepper’s Projects for Parents and Kids involves weekly projects, however, it is designed to be done with children to teach them how to work with their hands and brains as well as develop self-reliance.  One thing different in this book that the previous work 52 Prepper Projects, is that at the end of each project talking points are given to teach why the project was chosen.  Becoming self-reliant is not easy, nor is it an easy skill to teach to you children, however, the rewards are priceless.

Most of us aren’t ready for the worst possible events—fire, civil disorder, earthquakes, floods, hurricane, tornado—but we can be! Now there is an easy way for mothers and fathers to teach their kids to be better prepared—and for families to learn to work together. David Nash offers projects that will amaze and entertain kids—and help your family prepare for the worst:

  • Bottle Cap Fishing Lure
  • Dehydrated Toothpaste Dots
  • Campfire Popcorn
  • Penny Battery
  • Mason Jar Butter
  • Newspaper Seed Pot
  • Rain Barrel
  • Homemade Fire starters
  • Bug Out Bag
  • Compost Pile
  • Portable DIY Fishing Gear
  • Tin Can Lantern
  • Book Code
  • Paracord Bracelet
  • 48 Hour Candle
  • Waterproofing Matches
  • Mini Can Stove
  • Plastic Bag Water Collection
  • And much more

Make sure your family is ready for the unexpected.

Prepare your child for the unpredictable. Teach your boy or girl basic outdoors survival skills, first aid, how to create their own “bug-out bag,” and more.

Author Note:

52 Prepper’s Projects for Parents and Kids is my third book, but it is near to my heart, as I wrote this with my own son. He was a toddler when I wrote this, but he did help with many of the projects, the rest I created looking forward to when he would be old enough to do them with me. Now that he is 7 years old, we have done many of the projects in the book, and now he is a headstrong 9 year old that is more capable than some adults I know (just don’t tell him I said that).



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