Most often I use Dry ice to seal up plastic buckets with bulk food, but there are a lot more dry ice uses a guy can do. You can also use dry ice to force carbonate beverages, but if you do this it can cause the bottle to explode so be careful. I have […]
Tag: dehydrating
Kitchen DIY: Dehydrating Garlic I love garlic, both for cooking, and for medicine. But mostly I love dry garlic for cooking. I put garlic powder in almost everything. Unfortunately, garlic powder is getting more expensive, which is silly seeing as how easy it is go about dehydrating garlic. To make my own garlic powder I simply grind dehydrated […]
How to Make Dehydrated Toothpaste Dots
Here is a quick tip for backpacking or camping where space and weight is a premium – make Dehydrated Toothpaste Dots. To make a chewable single use dry toothpaste “mint” lay out foil sheet or parchment and make rows of toothpaste spots. Allow to dry for 2-4 days. Sprinkle baking soda on top to […]
How to Make Modern Pemmican Using Peanut Butter Instead of Grease
I grew on a state park as a son of a park ranger and was encouraged (maybe that’s too strong a word –tolerated) to explore Native American crafts and wilderness survival skills. I had always wanted to make pemmican, but since I lived on a state park, I could not hunt so I never had […]