Preparing Your Home for an Earthquake

Compared to other natural disasters like hurricanes and fires, earthquakes strike without warning anywhere in the world. There’s no telling when they’ll happen and most of the time, they bring extensive damage. During an earthquake, your own home itself can become a danger to you and your family. How can you prepare your own home […]

PRN Episode #32 Interview Andrew Morrison

PRN Episode #32 Interview Andrew Morrison

We have been doing a lot of podcasts dealing with alternative construction, and today we continue this trend by hosting one of the leaders in the strawbale building community.  The Shepherd School is proud to get to talk to Andrew Morrison of Andrew Morrison has been a strawbale builder for more than a decade […]

Strength of Materials

Strength of Materials was developed at MIT, to be a textbook. This distinguished introductory text is popular at engineering schools around the world. It also serves as a refresher and reference for professionals. In addition to coverage of customary elementary subjects (tension, torsion, bending, etc.), Strength of Materials features advanced material on engineering methods and applications, […]