I reviewed the Original OilExTech Microwave Essential Oil Distiller some time ago, and I liked it, but I had a hard time with the ice molds. So when the company asked if I wanted to try their new advanced model I jumped on the chance. This video is just the unboxing, as right now […]
Tag: essential
Island Miracles Essential Oil Review
#islandsmiracle I like using essential oils, they work great as aromatherapy to help me unwind after a stressful day. I also use essential oil to solve problems. I use lemongrass oil to lure bees into my swarm traps. I have used tea tree oil extensively as an antiseptic and anti fungal agent. It is the […]
Essential Medications to Stockpile
I am not a doctor, and I am not qualified to give medical advise, I do know something about disasters and how to prepare for disasters. I wanted to share some Essential Medications to Stockpile to help people better manage their prepper resources. I also see people spend way too much time, effort, and resources […]