I do not like everything the US Federal Government does (but what’s new there)… However, they do get some things right on occasion. In my opinion, the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program is one of them. I have written about CERT before. Basically CERT educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that could […]
Tag: markings
How to Make Tool Markings Stand Out
As I get older and the room gets darker I find it harder and harder to read the sizes on things. This is worse on things like wrenches, sockets, drill bits, and taps. I find that tool marking with paint makes it much easier to see. I have always wanted to know how to […]
Coloring AR-15 Receiver Markings
This post is a little mall ninja, and coloring ar-15 reciever markings is not the most loved idea. However, this is my AR, and I really like the white and red filled selector markings on HK firearms and wanted to replicate it on my firearm. There are several ways of doing it, and I […]