The World’s Riskiest Places To Live: Disaster Prepping Around The Globe

Disaster Prepping Around The Globe: The World’s Riskiest Places To Live

When prepping for a disaster, it is important to understand all the different risks which can be faced.  Also the effects those disasters can have.  Looking after yourself during a tornado requires very different action to surviving a flood. Being prepared for different types of risk is crucial.  You also need to understand the levels […]

Chicken with Vinegar

Recipe Chicken with Vinegar

Today’s recipe of cooking chicken with vinegar is a pretty basic cooking skill.  This of method cooking meat “Adobo” is a cultural cooking process from the Philippines, where meat is marinated in vinegar, browned, and then simmered in the marinade. This process is worthwhile for preppers, homesteaders, or outdoorsmen to know because leftovers keep well […]