My adherence to this prepper precept causes fights at my house. It is Don’t waste. Be frugal, learn to make do, or you may have to do without. You can’t always run to the store for parts and new stuff – learn to make do with the old. By being frugal and eliminating as much […]
Tag: prepper
Prepper Precepts #25 You Have to Practice Your Plan
You have to practice your plan, thinking is not the same as talking, and talking is not the same as doing. Practice helps you find gaps, practice makes perfect, practice is much better than talking and never doing. In this world actions are much more powerful than words. Don’t talk about your plans for […]
Prepper Precepts #24 It’s Better to be Home, Rather Than Be a Refugee in a Shelter
This prepper precept is common sense. It’s better to be home, rather than be a refugee in a shelter, but if you have to leave, you might not have time to pack a bag – have a Plan A and Plan B, C, and D Plans fail, that is why we have emergencies and […]
Prepper Precepts #23 Be Balanced in What You Buy for Preparedness
This entry into the prepper precepts list may make some preppers nervous. Buying gold is the “gold standard” of prepping. Be balanced in what you buy. Gold is nice, but it’s used to buy stuff in the event money is worthless. With that in mind, it’s much cheaper to just buy the stuff now. […]
Prepper Precepts #7 I Am the Only Person Responsible for Me
I am the only person responsible for me. No one else is responsible for my actions, safety, or future. If I want to be well fed it is my duty to go outside, find food, kill it, and drag it home. (The corollary to that is that because I am responsible for me, I […]