How to Make a DIY Toilet Paper Holder for Camping
How to Make a DIY Toilet Paper Holder for Camping
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If you want a more watertight Toilet Paper Holder holder than the one we showed you a few months ago, I have a more complex version.

This version uses a 2-liter soda bottle, some string, tape and a ziplock bag.

How to Make a Toilet Paper Holder

  • Cut the bottle in half, ensuring that the end with the spout is deep enough to hold your roll.
  • Split the bottom of a heavy duty freezer bag and place the split end over and around the cut end of your bottle.
  • Duct tape the bag to the bottle. – This should make an opening on either end – the bottle spout on one, and the bag ziplock on the other.
  • Poke a hole in the center of the bottle top and thread a string through it, knot it on the inside so it will not pull out. Attach the other end of the string to the neck of the bottle.
  • In the center of the ziplock zipper, and outside of the actual bag, strengthen both sides with a piece of tape folded over. Do each side individually so that the zipper is not taped together.
  • Poke a hole through the tape and the bag. Thread a length of string through the two holes – this is your hanging string.

To use

  • Pull out one end of the paper from the center of the roll
  • Remove the center from a roll of toilet paper.
  • Open the ziplock end of the holder and drop in the toilet paper, pulled end down
  • Fish the pulled out TP through the neck of the bottle
  • Hang near your latrine area, and pull TP out as required.
  • Screw lid on when done to keep anything from nesting in your holder.
  • Wash hands and go enjoy the woods…

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