Powerpoint: Why Have a Prepper Mindset
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Why Have a Prepper Mindset is the PowerPoint I presented today at the National Preparedness Expo in Nashville, TN.

The National Preppers and Survivalists Expo was a 2 day event focusing on the preparedness, self reliance, supplies and survival skills that are crucial when a catastrophe strikes.

In this PowerPoint I combined concepts from the prepper and emergency management cultures.

In includes discussions on mindset, the planning and mitigation process, the benefits of prepping, and the bane of all preppers – how to deal with the comment “If anything like that happens, I will just come to YOUR house!”

Why Have a Prepper Mindset deals in part with the gap between emergency managers in preppers.  This gap is troublesome and the reason for postings on professional EM sites like the infamous “Preppers are Social Selfish

I would hope that all people have, or are working to acquire a mindset that involves self reliance and resiliency.  Being a prepper is more than just storing up goods.  Being a prepper is about taking responsibility for yourself, using reason to determine threats, and invoking self-discipline to deal with those threats.

Having a preparedness mindset is healthy, both individually and as a society.