A sign of a poor gunsmith is using normal screwdrivers on a gun. However not all individuals that like guns know the difference between a normal and gunsmith screwdriver. This post will fix that. I am a kitchen table gunsmith myself, and before I learned about using hollow ground screwdrivers on my firearms I […]
Year: 2012
Prepper Precepts #19 Store What You Use, and Use What You Store
Store what you can use, and use what you store. I don’t buy books I won’t read, clothes I won’t wear, food I won’t eat, or Hip Hop music. I also don’t buy things I don’t know how to use. This is hard sometimes, as deals can be made and you can sometimes get […]
Prepper Precepts #18 My Plans are Generic as Possible
My plans are generic as possible. In the Emergency Management world that is called “all-Hazards” planning. I prep and plan for all hazards, and not specific events. How many people bought into the Y2K, and then let their food rot because they felt silly. My food storage is for when I cannot buy groceries. […]
Uvpaqlite: The Rechargeable Glowstick Review
I don’t do reviews all that often, but not too long ago survivalblog had a passing mention about a new company that made reusable glowstick the size of a chemlite. I immediately ordered a couple of uvpaqlites for my personal evaluation. Basically the devices are containing strontium crystals that are doped with other rare […]